Car Image Reco, marketing for the luxury automotive industry
When marketing for luxury cars starts on the assembly line
Keeping a customer regularly updated in the luxury automotive sector is a prerequisite for a marketing strategy that is as engaging as possible. In this perspective, photographic materials documenting the progress of the car’s assembly are the key.
A new gear for the luxury automotive industry
Project name:
Car Image Reco
24 month
Target markets:
Luxury Automotive
The implemented solution
The need to meet a customer’s request here and now is often what triggers innovation processes. In this case, the customer is waiting for his new car, but production times in the luxury automotive sector are different, since the effort put into customising the product is different. Therefore, it is usual to wait months between the moment of purchase and the moment of delivery to the dealership. A lapse of time marked by communication carefully planned by the brand to customers with an emotional approach, through the use of images from the assembly line documenting the progress of the car’s assembly.
Achieved benefits
- The remote exploration of the assembly line in the automotive sector makes use of a serial photo system of the production space: the system developed by Spindox is part of the production process itself.
- As the workspace is populated by several technological components, the ‘selection’ of the images takes place through an automatic discarding of shots showing superfluous details (e.g., a warning sign indicating processing steps to be completed).
- Careful screening of the frames leads to an automatic discarding of elements such as aesthetic imperfections in the chassis or passenger compartment of a car.
- The technologies employed in Computer Vision by Spindox prelude applications such as automatic devices for safety at work or for correcting anomalies along the assembly line.