HelpFood 4.0, digital innovation for circular agri-food systems
The European consortium promoting food in terms of sustainability
HelpFood 4.0 studia, nell’ambito del programma europeo EIT Food, modelli di Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) che promuovano la sostenibilità sociale delle produzioni agroalimentari. In questo quadro, il ruolo delle tecnologie digitali si spiega nell’ottica di progettare sistemi di distribuzione abilitati a raggiungere una schiera ampia di consumatori consapevoli, garantendo adeguate remunerazioni alle aziende agricole operanti sul territorio.
Digital and circular: HelpFood 4.0 food sustainability
Project name:
HelpFood 4.0 – Food Ecosystem Scalability
12 month
Target markets:
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)
The implemented solution
The project aims to study the viability of landscape and social infrastructures that allow the sustainability of food production to be shared by local communities. Shortening the distance between farmers and ‘eaters’ requires the implementation and management of material and digital devices. Improving the efficiency of the supply chain means considering the landscape as a place of innovation in which the circularity of rural economies finds in food the connecting element between growers, communities, and a growing number of aware consumers.
Achieved benefit
Supporting the development of solutions focused on:
- optimal allocation of agricultural goods on local markets
- shared management of distribution models
- spreading of sustainable production and consumption models
- willingness to network between producers and consumers
- inclusiveness in change processes
- care and enhancement of the territory
HelpFood 4.0 – Food Ecosystem Scalability
An EIT Food project about the short food supply chain.
We investigate local food production and practices as a cultural and social pillar for the agroecological transition, digital innovation, social inclusion, landscape care and enhancement!
Thank you to all the participants of the consortium for this multilingual video to introduce into the HelpFood 4.0 project and the local food practices to have welcomed us!