OPT3COR: citizen-centered care to support pregnancy and maternity
Mathematical simulation and optimization to manage timeframes and costs of all services related to women’s (and fetuses’) well-being during pregnancy.
The objective of the OPT3COR (OPTimization Citizen Centered Care ORiented) project is to design and develop a digital service, in the Citizen-Centered Care perspective, based on decision support systems using mathematical simulation and optimization methods able to provide accurate timing, scheduling and costs of the services for the well-being of pregnant women and their fetuses. The Citizen Centered Care perspective is complemented by the implementation of an e-community for a better interaction between birth centre and pregnant women.

From hospital-centred to patient-centered care with OPT3COR
Project name:
OPTmization Citizen Centered Care ORiented
Duration: 19 month
Years: 2019-2020
target markets: Health Technology
Funder: European Commissione (EC), Region of Lazio
Call for proposals: POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020. Avviso Pubblico “Creatività 2020”
Overall project investment: € 210.895,50
Contribution funded: € 159.031,90
Our solution
A digital service to flip the healthcare paradigm around. If the current standard is hospital-centered, according to which it is the patients that must adapt to the timeframes, dynamics and costs of the reference centre, OPT3COR is a game changer. In fact, OPT3COR puts the patient (and their fetus or fetuses) at the centre: their necessities are the variables around which the whole proccess of managing patient & fetus health is constructed.
Through the deployment of forecasting and simulating matemathical models, the service allows for the organization of visits and check-ups, while keeping costs uner control at all stages of the process.
OPT3COR citizen-centred approach brings a series of benefits to pregnant patients and their fetuses facilitating the supervision of all health-related activities in an intuitive and comfortable fashion:
- CALENDAR OPTIMIZATION: forecasting and simulation models optimize and prepare the patient’s calendar, with real-time adjustments to extra-ordinary events and changes;
- SUPPORT AND CONNECTION: OPT3COR’s feature of e-community eases and stengthens communications between patient and hospital / birth centre;
- EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL: at any time, the patient can access all information on appointments and other secondary aspects, making it a lot easier to manage and keep track of the more clinical aspects of pregnancy and maternity ;
- THE FUTURE OF HEALTHCARE: The service ultimately aims at encouraging socioeconomic and scientific advancement in support of natality in the Lazio region.