The future of CPSoS is spelled 1-SWARM
The project supports CPSoS with a specific focus on the industrial distribution sector and large-scale logistics.
The spread of low-cost computational systems is happening at variable speeds. On the one hand, we have the customer, for whom the transformation towards autonomic intelligence is happening very swiftly. On the other hand, industrial applications seem to be more demanding and conservative, requiring solid methodological and technological grounds to guarantee the transition. In this context, 1-Swarm has all it takes to win the industrial innovation challenge.

The Swarm Intelligence DevOps Framework for the CPSoS of the future
Project name:
1-SWARM: intgrated development and operations management framework for cyber-physical systems of systems under the paradigm of swarm intelligence
Duration: 30 month
Years: 2020-2022
Target markets: Tech & Logistics
Partners: Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana, nxtControl GMBH, Synesis-Società Consortile a Responsabilità Limitata, TTTech industrial automation AG, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, TTS Techology Transfer Systems SRL, Universitat Linz, Bluebotics SA, Flexbridge AB, Reepak SRL, UAV Autosystems Hovering Solutions España SL, AFAG Automation AG.
Funder: Fondi Europei CE
Call for proposals: H2020-ICT-2019-2
Overall project investment: € 4.997.522,50
Funding: € 4.997.522,50
Our solution
To guarantee the efficiency of the transition towards the optimization of industry and logistics, the 1-SWARM’s solution spans across different steps of the value chain, connecting intelligence through the digital domain to maximize their effectiveness and reliability.
The Swarm Intelligence DevOps Framework is a methodological and technological framework with the qualities of being modular and re-usable. The framework engineers three main CPSoS aspects:
- The HW/SW runtime platform that sustains CPSoS operations;
- The distributed and orchestrated Intelligence that guarantees their autonomic behavior;
- The extension of their “existence” into the cyber-domain for a full life-cycle approach.
In the current context of innovation and tecnological transformation of the global economic community, the 1-SWARM collaborative framework focuses on logistic-industrial applications within the process of technological transition. But its potential goes beyond the qualitative and quantitative benefits of the innovation process itself. In this sense, another key aspect of 1-SWARM is its high level of exploitability, which enables the solution to bring value and advantages to four application contexts:
- Manufacturing CPSoS for food packaging;
- CPSoS lostics for reconfigurable material movimentation;
- Fleets of intelligent AGVs in a complex dynamic environment;
- Aerial drones flock for extensive monitoring of retail shops.