COD-19 for an easier telemedicine
Organizing the flow of hospitalized patients and monitoring those at their domicile with a single solution
COD-19 is a telemedicine service that enables the management of patients from their domicile (as they are reported by their GP), as well as a real-time analysis of their condition which, through predictive and perscriptive models, supports forecasting activities in terms of future effort required by the healthcare system and the optimal future allocation of resources accordingly. Furthermore, the platform makes it possible to manage the flow of hospital patients towards the territory

A project for the future of telemedicine
Project name:
COD-19 – Centro Operativo Dismessi 2019
Duration: 7 month
Years: 2020
Target markets: Health Infrastructure
Funding: Fondi Europei indiretti, Regione Lombardia
Call of proposals: POR FESR LOMBARDIA 2014-2020. “Emergenza Coronavirus e altre emergenze virali del futuro”
Total investment of the project: € 1.327.206,00
Contribution funded: € 617.879,00
Our solution
COD-19 is a continuous domestic monitoring system for critical clinical conditions and for supplying the necessary telemedicine services.
COD-19 focuses on three areas:
- Patients at home: describing the development of the monitored parameters, the potential issues that may arise and the final outcomes (mortality, clinical recovery, documentation with swab, re-hospitalization, complications, identification of predictors and profiles according to the outcomes);
- Operational model:
a. Analyzing relationships between actors and the efficiency and effectiveness of the model that connects them;
b. Creation of a virtual clinic;
c. Analysis of the methods of implementation, reporting (also medical), prescription;
d. Analysis of the connection to the GP;
e. Optimization of the data flows concerning the monitoring of the pation conditions;
f. Monitoring and conclusion of the quarantine period;
g. Immediate response to the evolution of regional guidelines;
Facing the pandemic proved to be an incredibly demanding challenge for the healthcare sector. COD-19 is a health tech solution with the goal of optimizing telemedicine services. There are four main advantages to the solution:
- INFRASTRUCTURAL RELIEF: employing mathematical techniques for the managment of flows and the monitoring of patients enables the optimization of the whole healthcare structure and the stream-lining of all processes and operations within the structure;
- HIGH QUALITY HEALTH: an intrinsic consequence of infrastructural relief is an increase in the quality of the healthcare services, as the operators find themselves working in optimized conditions in terms of resource, organization and time. Quality is also fostered by the tele-monitoring system for patients at their domicile, which strengthens the relationship between patient and the heatlh facility/operator, thanks to the increased connection and the possibility of modifying treatments and procedures exploiting real-time data gathering;
- MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO: when necessary, COD-19 also deals with the psychological well-being of the patient by supplying psychological support and referring the patient to Social Services and other resources on the territory;
- AN EVERGREEN SOLUTION: though perceived and implemented in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, COD-19 is a clinical model for remote intervention adaptable to future healthcare emergencies.