HUMANS HUB: human-machine interaction for the Industry 4.0
A new form of public & private partnership: a stable territorial hub for collaboration and knowledge sharing
The main goal of the HUMANS HUB is to spread the human-centered culture of Industry 4.0 to the local stakeholders and MPMI system, elevating the human role within the digital factory and proposing a path of technological development tailored to needs and problems of the human’s function within production systems.
HUMANS HUB is the territorial hub for collaboration and knowledge sharing in a scenario where companies have a plurality of enabling technologies to exploit, emerging from the Industry 4.0 and featuring by adaptive systems and collaborative robots focused on a human-centered culture.
The Hub is an evolved form of public & private partnership that not only promotes corporate growth, but also encourages inter-company learning processes, in synergy with the world of research and education. An important function is indeed covered by Italian and European bodies, as well as research and secondary education institutions, all actors that are interested in elevating the role of man in the digital factory, creating tools for experience-sharing, skill development, and continuous improvement of work and production well-being.

A human centred hub to improve human-machine interaction
Project name:
HUMANS Hub – Human-oriented MANufacturing Solutions Hub
Duration: 30 month
Years: 2020-2022
Target markets: Manufacturing, Industry 4.0
Partners: REI – Industria Innovazione, Balance Systems, MUSP, Officine Aiolfi, Robby Moto Engineering
Funding: Fondi Europei indiretti, Regione Lombardia
Overall project investment: €7.703.807,10
Contribution funded: € 4.137.512,00
Our solution
The focus of the HUMANS HUB is on Human-machine interaction: techniques and strategies for data sharing, transformating production systems into self-adaptive machines capable of simultaneously learning, teaching, and evolving according to changes in the context.
To this end, laboratories are conceived as tools for developing skills, sharing experiences and methodologies, technology, instrumental resources and best practices to improve in work- and productive well-being.
Through research and development activities, supported by the aggregation between companies and research bodies,the HUMANS HUB conceives and develops new devices, components, machines and control logics integrated into an advanced and adaptive factory IT-system.
Thanks to the HUMANS HUB, business needs meet the research and learning world, encouraging the development of a territorial network focusing on artificial intelligence, collaborative robotics, auto-adaptive systems and mathematical optimization models. The innovative nature of the Hub accelerates technological developments of the Industry 4.0, increasing quality standards for human-machine interaction.