The revolution of the industrial paradigm with SYMBIOTPTIMA

A human-mimetic approach to integrate monitoring, management and optimization of smart production units


SYMBIOPTIMA is an H2020 project funded under the SPIRE-6 action. The project proposes a completely new paradigm for industrial clusters: the human-mimetic symbiosis. Drawing inspiration from one of the most complex biological organism, namely the human body, it promotes the mutual interaction of diverse industries, also among different sectors, for beneficial reuse of flows (e.g. water, waste, by-products, energy, recycled materials). This entails the reorganization of production units in clusters and the optimization of flows between and through such clusters. The result consists in a more resource-efficient production at network level, and in fewer adverse environmental impacts.

SYMBIOPTIMA: when scientific thinking meets industry-friendly technologies

Project name:
SymbiOptima – Human-mimetic approach to the integrated monitoring, management and optimization of a symbiotic cluster if smart production units.

Duration: 3 years

Years: 2015-2018

Target markets: Cross-settoriale, Logistica, Tech Industry

Funder: Unione Europea (SPIRE-6)

Our solution


SYMBIOPTIMA is a cross-sectorial energy & resource management platform for intra- and inter-cluster streams. Clusters are identified according to the context of industrial application, and the synergy and optimization of the flows of a cluster are obtained thanks to the hierarchical decentralization of operations management tasks to multiple collaborating Production Units.

The platform’s multilayer architecture fosters a holistic model for the definition, life-cycle assessment and business management of a human-mimetic symbiotic cluster, integrating process optimization with demand response strategies for the synergetic optimization of energy and resources within the sectors and across value chains.

The solution is also capable of proposing advanced WASTE2RESOURCE initiatives for PET.



As SYMBIOPTIMA proves to be a highly valuable solution for the optimization of resources needed for industrial production, the benefits of the adoption of the platform span across diverse areas:

  1. EFFECTIVE ON ALL FRONTS: SYMBIOPTIMA is focused on optimization. Whether this concerns time or physical/economic resources, the platform brings valuable, sustainable change to on all fronts;
  2. EVERYTHING UNDER CONTROL: thanks to extensive, modular and plug & play characteristics of the platform, it is possible to comfortably keep all flows of relevant information;
  3. AN EYE ON THERMAL RESOURCES: thermal resources can also be integrated into a systemic and unified view offered by the platform, in the form of nodes of a thermal energy network.
  4. SUSTAINABILITY: given the optimization nature of the solution in terms of necessary resources for the optimal orchestration of clusters, SYMBIOPTICA is the secret weapon for contrasting climate change and pollution.
  5. THINK BIG: modularity, extendability and updatability of the platform and the tools make SYMBIOPTIMA an easy-to-implement solution for scale economies.