The PILOTA and the intelligent logistics
A technological system pervaded by intelligence to improve the performances of logistic and production processes of the industry.
From the definition of the commercial proposal, to the procurement, production and distribution of products, PILOTA is the platform for the industry future, capaqble of guiding logistics towards the new frontiers of technological advancement, while maintaining traceability for quality assurance and anti-counterfeiting.

PILOTA and the intelligent success of the industry
Project name:
PILOTA – Intelligent technological platform for the management of industrial processes and production chain logistics, optimized with a view to traceability and anti-counterfeiting.
Duration: 36 month
Years: 2020-2022
Target markets: Logistics
Partners: Geek Logica, Università di Salerno
Funder:Fondi Europei indiretti CE, Ministero dello sviluppo economico
Call for proposals: PON I&C 2014-20 – Sportello Fabbrica Intelligente DM 5/3/2018 – Progetto n. 77
Overall project investment: € 1.704.437,50
Contribution funded: € 890.250,94
Our solution
The Pilota solution comprises an analytical and collaborative software platform, whose pervasive intelligence is based on statistical-mathematical analytical models that integrate forecasting, artificial intelligence, simulation and optimization logics in various ways.
The main axis of the solution is the concept of Digital Twin, which consists in modeling real processes in the digital world. This allows for an orchestration of such processes in an optimized, predictive, reactive and proactive fashion. The Digital Twin concept opens the doors of decision support, by enabling the observation, evaluation, and alignment of decisions on the base of custom indicators at the productive, tactic and strategic levels.
The solution includes continuous traceability systems for semi- and finished goods all along the logistic production industry.
Implementing the PILOTA platform tecnologies unlocks multiple business advantages:
- PLANNING AHEAD: the simulation and digital twin model make it possible to anticipate critical events and mitigate their effects on the supply chain system;
- A MARKET WITH NO SECRETS: The Digital Twin technology can be also employed to understand market preferences with predictive analyses, thus making it possible to define and evaluate decisions on procurement, production, distribution decisions so that they can be optimized following specific performance indicators defined by the company management;
- SAFE PRODUCTS, ALWAYS: thanks to the traceability systems, it is possible to locate products along the whole logistic-production process, and to implement a certified unti-counterfeiting system.