PACIB: neuroimaging for early-stage diagnoses
A digital service for the analysis and treatment of neuroimaging from Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Computed Tomography (CT)
The PACIB project proposes a platform for the collection, analysis and classification of neuroimaging coming from Magnetic Resonance and of information obtained from the investigation of morpho-functional techniques (CT and PET), concerning patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, studied with new radiopharmaceuticals.

PACIB and the new frontiers of the biomedical analysis
Project name:
PACIB – Piattaforma di Acquisizione, analisi e Classificazione di Immagini Biomediche per la diagnostica precoce di malattie neurodegenerative
Duration: 26 month
Years: 2018-2020
Target markets: Health Technology
Funder:European Commission (EC), Region of Lazio
Call for proposals: POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020. Avviso Pubblico “Creatività 2020”
Overall project investment: € 218.506,00
Contribution funded: € 161.094,12
Our solution
The PACIB digital service is based on a hardware/software platform for the analysis of biomedical images, which corrects errors introduced by instruments (particularly the partial volume effect). The technology also learns and identifies classification models of such images for early-stage diagnosis and highlights any morphological changes due to medication.
- BETTER DIAGNOSES: PACIB improves the quality of early-stage analysis in two ways:
a. All instrument errrors are continuously corrected;
b. The analysis and classification models of neuroimages provides data and observation with low margins of error;